website design

Ocean Pantry

This project was a phenomenal partnership. Partly due to the nature of the work, but mostly due to the nature of the people! Hanna and Matt (founders of Ocean Pantry), and Nat (my narrative and copy collaborator / project manager), made this entire experience so, so, so fulfilling. How can some people be so gosh darn lovely?

Home renovation!

Ocean pantry had a pretty decent website to begin with... but they needed an update. Something to reflect their growth over the years, and something to better represent their character and their customer relationships — which is a huge USP for them.

So, we started by making the home page absolutely central to their humour, their wit, their playfulness, and their incredible service and experience and expertise. It needed to be compelling, but so human and so relatable. I merged class with humanity but incorporating some really chic imagery and design elements, that were then balanced by a little tongue in cheek in the copy. Subtle enough to be pro, but present enough to feel like someone you want to know.

Stars of the show: Some of our fav pages

Throughout the website, we found every opportunity to have some fun. Below, are some of my / our favourite features on the website. :) Had so much. Would do again!!

Ocean Pantry works across a few countries. So, we wanted to include some of their local languages!

We incorporated some custom illustrations that added a little light-heartedness to the site as a whole!

We <3 earth. And it was important for us to show this, without being all serious and boring about it. Cue: Our sustainability page!

some past work