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"I've been dreaming about leaving the house"

Promotional material design

> intro

  • When tasked with creating a poster for the launch of "I've Been Dreaming About Leaving the House," a photobook by Will Hartley, the goal was to design a piece that captured the emotional essence of the book while clearly communicating the event details.
  • The poster had to strike a balance between the artistic sensibilities of Hartley's photography and the practical needs of event promotion.
  • The central design utilized the book's cover image, ensuring that the visual impact of Hartley's work was front and center.
  • The challenge was to create an artistic poster that conveyed the moodiness and depth of the photobook, yet remained informative and inviting for potential attendees.
  • The poster's aesthetic bridged the gap between an art exhibition and a book launch, framing the central image in a way that highlighted Hartley's evocative photography.
  • This approach ensured that the emotional tone of the book was palpable, drawing viewers into the visual narrative.
  • The final design is a perfect blend of artistry and information, making it both a promotional tool and a visual representation of the book’s theme.

> deliverables

  • Main Poster Image
  • Variations for Social Media
  • Event Banners
  • Instagram Promotion Graphics
This project is still under construction :)

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© 2024 Jomiro Eming