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DevOpsDays Amsterdam

Brand & event design

> intro

  • I've been working with the DevOpsDays Amsterdam team for a few years, and have been solely responsible for logo, branding, and event design assets.
  • Each year brings with it new and exciting challenges, and core to this project has been evolving the brand and turning into more than just a meetup space.
  • The goal has always been to make this brand something that people see and recognise as modern, engaging, and welcoming. Think: The kind of design you see explained and documented at a TED Talk one day.
  • The building they host the event at has been a central icon to their event series, and so incorporating its architecture into the logo, and the event assets was a no-brainer.
  • This is a piece of art, and the designs are something people can wear, hold, and engage with in a way that makes them feel like they are holding something incredibly valuable and profound.

> deliverables

  • Logo & brandguide
  • Giant banner on the Pakhuis de Zwijger building
  • Beer bottles
  • Attendee, speaker, sponsor, etc. badges
  • Coffee cups
  • Sponsor beach flags
  • T-shirts and hoodies (crew and attendees)
  • Sponsorship prospectus

This project is still under construction :)

see more projects.

© 2024 Jomiro Eming